Waiting List Policy

Waiting List Policy

Below are the relevant rules, responsibilities and actions by which The Health Suite will manage patients through their pathways:

  • National 18-week Referral to Treat (RTT) – NHS Outpatients/Procedures Waiting list management
  • Patient Access – National and Local Targets
  • Associated local targets

National 18-week Referral to Treat (RTT):

  • The management of our NHS patients will be consistent with the NHS 18-Week Target
  • The management of patients will be fair, consistent and transparent and communication with patients will be clear and informative.
  • The management of our patients will be consistent with the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010.
  • We will acknowledge the rights of individuals to agree a date to suit their personal circumstances.

Referral Management

If a patient wishes to wait longer through an agreed reason such as patient choice, this must be clearly documented within the electronic patient record. Any patients who are not managed and treated within the 18 weeks RTT or the 6-week diagnostic target will be reported as a breach.

Legitimate Waits Longer than 18 Weeks Scenarios could include:

  • Patient choice to delay treatment
  • Patient non-cooperation (e.g.DNA’s) where there is evidence of effective communication being sent and received within good time
  • Not in the patient’s best clinical interest. In all of the above scenarios, careful consideration should be given to whether it is appropriate to book past the 18-week target.

Outpatient Referrals

All referrals (electronic and paper) will be reviewed within 2 working days of receipt and an appointment offered, if not already booked on E-RS

1 weeks (7 days) notice must be given to the patient when agreeing on an appointment date.

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